Title: Devilman (デビルマン)
Art: Mitsuru Hiruta (蛭田充)
Original run: 1972-08 ~ 1972-09, Boken Oh (冒険王); 1972-10 ~ 1972-12 Boken Oh Summer Vacation Special Large issue (夏休み大増刊号), 1973 New Year Large Extra issue (1973年お正月大増刊号) [11 stories in Boken Oh]; 1973-01 ~ 1973-04, Boken Oh; 1973-Autum, 1973-Winter, 1973-Spring, Bessatsu Boken Oh (別冊冒険王); 1973-04 ~ 1973-05, Bessatsu Boken Oh [5 stories in Bessatsu Boken Oh]
Original publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
-1972, Akita Shoten-
1972-12, Devilman #1, Sunday Comics (サンデーコミックス), Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/42530629461973-03, Devilman #2, Sunday Comics, Akita Shoten
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mangafun100/2295020.html-1976, Nagaoka Shoten-
1976-08; Devilman #1, N Comics, Nagaoka Shoten (永岡書店)
1976-08; Devilman #2, N Comics, Nagaoka Shoten
1976-08; Devilman #3, N Comics, Nagaoka Shoten
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mangafun100/2372305.htmlhttp://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/ja/item-Mani-vin749.htmlhttp://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~natsuman/nagaokacomics.htm-1986, Daitosha-
1986-03; Devilman #1, Star Comics, Daitosha (大都社), ISBN-10: 4886533183, ISBN-13: 978-4886533180
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/48865331831986-03; Devilman #2, Star Comics, Daitosha, ISBN-10: 4886533191, ISBN-13: 978-4886533197
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4886533191-1998, Daitosha-
1998-07; Devilman #1, St Comics, Daitosha, ISBN-10: 4886531083, ISBN-13: 978-4886531087
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/48865310831998-07; Devilman #2, St Comics, Daitosha, ISBN-10: 4886531091, ISBN-13: 978-4886531094
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4886531091-2004, Akita Shoten-
2004-09-30; Devilman - Boken Oh Version (デビルマン―冒険王版), Akita Shoten, ISBN-13: 978-4253189224
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4253189229This is essentially a comic book version of the TV animation. There is also an special appendix published in the 1972-12-01 issue of Boken Oh dedicated to this comic book. I hope this helps the wiki. Let me know if I can help with anything more.
http://www.mazingerz.com/DM/DVhiruta.htmlhttp://www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~h-kazu/dynamic/nagai-gen1.htmhttp://beatarai.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-1900.htmlThread by Jfgslo.