Title: Mao Dante (魔王ダンテ) / Demon Lord Dante / Ma Oh Dante / Maou Dante / Maō Dante / Dante, seigneur des démons
Original date of publication: 1971-01-01 ~ 1971-06-01
Original publication: Bokura Magazine (ぼくらマガジン)
Original editor: Kodansha (講談社)
Volumes: 3 (1973) / 3 (1976) / 2 (1984) / 1 (1991) / 2 (1995) / 2 (1999) / 3 (2002) / 2 (1992, 1998, 2008)(it)
-1973 (Sun Comics)-
1973-06-15; Mao Dante #1, SUN COMICS, Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ)
1973-06-20; Mao Dante #2, SUN COMICS, Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ)
1973-07-25; Mao Dante #3, SUN COMICS, Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ)
-1976 (Sonorama Manga Bunko)-
1976-10-20; Mao Dante #1, Sonorama Manga Bunko (ソノラマ漫画文庫), Asahi Sonorama
1976-11-20; Mao Dante #2, Sonorama Manga Bunko (ソノラマ漫画文庫), Asahi Sonorama
1976-11-20; Mao Dante #3, Sonorama Manga Bunko (ソノラマ漫画文庫), Asahi Sonorama
-1984 (Sun Wide Comics)-
1984-10-15; Mao Dante #1, Sun Wide Comics, Asahi Sonorama
1984-11-30; Mao Dante #2, Sun Wide Comics, Asahi Sonorama
-1991 (Chuko Aizoban)-
1991-06-05; Mao Dante, Chuko Aizoban (中公愛蔵版), Chuokoron-sha (中央公論社)
-1995 (Chuko Bunko Comic Han)-
1995-04-18; Mao Dante #1, Chuko Bunko Comic Han (中公文庫コミック版), Chuokoron-sha, ISBN-10: 4122023092, ISBN-13: 978-4122023093,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-1-中公文庫―コミック版-永井-豪/dp/4122023092 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=195152971995-04-18; Mao Dante #2, Chuko Bunko Comic Han (中公文庫コミック版), Chuokoron-sha, ISBN-10: 4122023106, ISBN-13: 978-4122023109,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-2-中公文庫―コミック版-永井-豪/dp/4122023106 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=19515296-1999 (KC Phoenix)-
1999-06-23; Mao Dante #1, KC Phoenix (KCフェニックス), Kodansha, ISBN-10: 4063290255, ISBN-13: 978-4063290257,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-1-永井-豪/dp/4063290255 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=070517631999-06-23; Mao Dante #2, KC Phoenix (KCフェニックス), Kodansha, ISBN-10: 4063290263, ISBN-13: 978-4063290264,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-2-永井-豪/dp/4063290263 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=07051764-2002 (KC Deluxe)-
2002-06-21; Mao Dante #1, KC Deluxe (KCデラックス), Kodansha, ISBN-10: 4063345610, ISBN-13: 978-4063345612,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-1-オリジナル版-永井-豪/dp/4063345610 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=070980022002-06-21; Mao Dante #2, KC Deluxe (KCデラックス), Kodansha, ISBN-10: 4063345629, ISBN-13: 978-4063345629,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-2-オリジナル版-永井-豪/dp/4063345629 ,
http://www.7andy.jp/books/detail?accd=07098003 2002-06-21; Mao Dante #3, KC Deluxe (KCデラックス), Kodansha, ISBN-10: 4063345637, ISBN-13: 978-4063345636,
http://www.amazon.co.jp/魔王ダンテ-3-オリジナル版-永井-豪/dp/4063345637 ,
-1992 (Granata Press)(it)
1992-10; Mao Dante #1, Granata Press
1992-10; Mao Dante #2, Granata Press
-1998 (Dynamic Italia)-
1998; Mao Dante #1, Dynamic Italia
1998; Mao Dante #2, Dynamic Italia
-2008 (d/visual)(it)-
2008-02-22; Mao Dante #1, D/visual, ISBN-13: 978-4862371256,
http://www.feliceshopping.com/product_info.php?products_id=898 ,
http://www.d-world.jp/dv/product_info.php?products_id=3572008-02-22; Mao Dante #2, D/visual, ISBN-13: 978-4862371263,
http://www.feliceshopping.com/product_info.php?products_id=899 ,
http://www.d-world.jp/dv/product_info.php?products_id=358-ebook version-
Mao Dante is Devilman's prototype. It wasn't well received by the christian community in Japan for obvious reasons. It was stopped because the magazine "Bokura" was cancelled, and the manga never got an ending till the TV series or the manga from 2002. The manga had three publications in Italy.
La série a été mal reçu par la communauté chrétienne au Japon pour raisons évidentes. Il a été suspendu parce que la magazine "Bokura" a été annulé, et le manga jamais eu une fin jusqu'à ce que la série télévisée ou le manga de 2002. Le manga a eu trois publications en Italie.
http://www.ebookjapan.jp/shop/title.asp?titleid=614http://www.d-world.jp/dv/gonagai.php?action=maodantehttp://www.hamachi.com/nagai/dante.htmhttp://www.mazingerz.com/DANTE/DANTE.htmlhttp://www.mangadb.it/showmanga.php?idmanga=124http://www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~h-kazu/dynamic/nagai-sakuhin/dante.htmhttp://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/魔王ダンテhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_Lord_Dantehttp://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Dantehttp://www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~h-kazu/dynamic/over-sea/italia/dante-italia.htmhttp://www.mazingerz.com/DM/GO-SAID.htmlhttp://www.mazingerz.com/OVERSEA/oversea.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~WX5H-KTB/gofo/dante.htmlhttp://www.mazingerz.com/magazine/kodanshaBOKU.htmhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~WX5H-KTB/gofo/dante.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~WX5H-KTB/gofo/dante2.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~wx5h-ktb/gofo/dante3.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~wx5h-ktb/gofo/dante4.htmllThis is an original topic by jfgslo from GO NAGAI, GO!